Issue 089: The POWER of Accountability


Last week while presenting Rev Up Your Revenue and Power Team at the ABA Conference in Dallas, I talked about my seven-year accountability partner. Afterward, I had numerous questions from attendees, and it’s a timely topic for January.

Burnout expert Laura Greco and I meet weekly for what we call Money Mondays. During our calls, we share our updates and accomplishments from the prior week and then state what we plan to make happen for the current week. Also, we have a big-vision meeting at the end of every calendar year. We evaluate our successes and failures, as well as discuss future goals.

You would think after seven years we would not have any “aha moments” to discover. Yet, we still do. My tendency to focus on the outcomes tilted the way I reviewed my 2021 goals. Whereas Laura focuses on process and celebrated those consistent steps she made on the way to reaching a goal whether she hit it or not.

With an accountability partner, we get to experience a new perspective. Or maybe we need to hear the perspective a few times before it sinks in.  

Here are five reasons why having an accountability partner can help you.

  • Research (ATD) discovered that people are 65 percent more likely to meet a goal after committing to another person. Their success increases to 95 percent when they commit to ongoing meetings to intentionally check in on their progress.

  • Being accountable keeps you on track and moving forward toward your goals. You continue to build momentum, which creates excitement to go the distance.

  • You multiply your brainpower because you get to bounce your ideas off of another person.

  • By establishing a set of metrics, you’re constantly measuring your progress so that you can adjust and modify your actions as needed. 

  • You get consistent, committed time to work on your professional development, career, or business.

If you need a system to follow, check out the book The 12 Week Year. We modified this system to fit our needs.

Remember to celebrate the small wins. This is one area that I tend to skip and it’s one of my 12-week goals to celebrate the steps along the journey.

Bounce-Up™ Momentum Builder

  1. What would you want to accomplish with your Accountability Partner?

  2. Could you make a list of three people who could be a good partner?

  3. Decide if you want to meet weekly, bi-weekly or monthly?

Mj Happenings

  1. Hear the good, the unexpected, and the funny about The Power of Accountability in this Bounce-Up Broadcast replay. Plus, you’ll get a few tips about how to start one that works for you.

  2. In the latest Authority Magazine feature, Savio Clemente interviews me in Rising Through Resilience.

Until next time, Power-Up, Play-Up™, and Bounce-Up™!


P.S. Having an Accountability Partner is one of the modules in my Power Team digital program.

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 090: What’s Your X-Factor for Growth & Productivity?


Issue 088: Can One Word Change Your Year?