Issue 088: Can One Word Change Your Year?


Welcome 2022!

As some of you know from last year’s Chronicles, I choose one word that becomes my word of the year.  This #oneword365 needs to be one that can encompass my personal life and professional life because what impacts one impacts the other.

Recently, some colleagues have asked, “How do you decide on a word?”

Usually, the word shows up. That might sound crazy. Okay, it does sound crazy. From Thanksgiving through December, one word surfaces in my thoughts, my conversations with others, and reviewing my past year (download Year-End Review). Apparently, my subconscious gives me a knock on the head.

Last year with challenges due to the aftermath of the pandemic, I reminded myself more than once my word was fearless. Some outcomes included creating and producing the Twenty Won Interview Series, designing and recording two digital e-courses, applying and being approved for LinkedIn Live, and going after and getting a keynote spot for a national conference. Sure, there were times I wanted to throw in the towel, especially around new software, but I learned a lot about recording live, editing what didn’t work for prerecorded videos, and what software programs worked best for the project.  

On the flip side, I said “no” to several big opportunities that came my way because they would have taken time away from my projects. I didn’t let fear of missing out (FOMO) push me to say yes.

For 2022, my one word is strategic. Strategic is one of my core strengths according to Strength Finders, however, Ideation (idea generator) is another one that can overshadow being strategic. By making strategic my word for the year, it will be foremost in my planning.

With strategic being my intention for 2022, Bounce-Up Chronicles will move to bi-weekly written issues. You can still get our great video content every Thursday at Noon EST on LinkedIn Live, Facebook, and YouTube with the Bounce-Up Broadcast. Be sure to connect, friend, and subscribe and we’re on the lookout for amazing guests.

If choosing one word for the year overwhelms you, select one word for each quarter the way my team member Amy does. What word will you choose? Hit reply and let us know.

One Word Trivia

Back in 2009, Alece Ronzino accepted that resolutions didn’t work for her. Instead, she founded #oneword365 as a non-resolution resolution.

Bounce-Up™ Momentum Builder

  1. What one word will you choose for your year (or quarter)?

  2. How will your one word help you Bounce-Up™?

  3. On Dec. 31, 2022, what do you want to say you accomplished?

Mj Happenings

  • In this week’s LinkedIn Live, Jim Kunkle and I dig into the one-word concept with website designer and podcaster Eve Simon and productivity coach and podcaster Lisa Zawrotny. Join us on Thurs., Jan. 6th at Noon EST.

  • Off to Dallas, TX this week for my first business trip and speaking engagement of 2022.

Until next time, Power-Up, Play-Up™, and Bounce-Up™!


P.S. Do you have a story or outcome about your "one word" and the way it created positive change for you? Would love to hear about it and possibly interview you!

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 089: The POWER of Accountability


Issue 087: Cheers to 2022!