Issue 107: Are You Letting Opportunities Slip By?

“When opportunity presents itself, don’t be afraid to go after it.”
- Eddie Kennison, Entrepreneur

For most of October and November, I've played volleyball with a respiratory challenge—it would go away, then volley back to me. Although I wouldn't want to maneuver through these symptoms again, which caused me to postpone my Ireland trip, there was an upside. During the rest time, which I flipped to call reflect time, I reviewed my 2022 goals, getting a jump start on this task that I usually kick off Thanksgiving weekend. The extra weeks enabled me to brainstorm changes I want to make for 2023 and how to add more value to my programs. 

When you want a unique and interactive program, you want Bounce-Up™!

And the extra time allowed me to add one more exercise I'm calling Stuff Clients Say. So, with a notebook and pen in hand, I jotted down clients, workshop participants, and audience members' comments.

Some of my favorites included “I wish I could wake up every morning to your positivity” and “Could you hang out with us all the time?” 

The one that threw me into brainstorming mode came from a managing director, a referral and the third division of a state organization that hired me. "We only had Mj for an hour and you had her for half a day.” She had made the comment to another director and it reminded me of the quote, "Our customers tell us what business we're in." Her comment launched a series of spinoff ideas for my keynote How to Pivot, Thrive and Bounce-Up™ During Change. 

Could you, like me, miss new ways to serve your clients? 

As my gift to help you jumpstart your 2023 brainstorming, download the Year-End Review and New Year Plan.

Bounce-Up Momentum Builders

  1. Is there a gap in what you offer to clients?

  2. Do your clients want to spend more time with you?

  3. What resources can you add?

Mj Happenings

  • At the end of November, I presented a three-hour workshop, How to Pivot, Thrive and Bounce-Up During Change, for one of Pennsylvania's major health insurance agencies. 

  • In January, my next digital program will drop. Stay tuned. 

  • In February, I’m off to Detroit for a conference and will present two of my new workshop programs.

Until next time, Power-Up, Play-Up™, and Bounce-Up™!


P.S. Need gifts for colleagues or a group

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 108: What is your compass for 2023?


Issue 106: How a Child’s Drawing Connects to Customer Service